Christmas will come soon, many models and beautiful girls will celebrate it with the famous santa costume. one of the most beautiful models who will be wearing a santa costume is Hwang Mi Hee..as we know Christmas is identically with Santa Claus not only for the hollywood celebrity but also for the Asian celebrity
Several weeks ago we also post about the famous celebrity who wears a santa costume. What would Christmas be without Hwang Mi Hee as a sexy Santa? Truly an early Christmas present for her fans.
So for all the big fans of Hwang mi hee here's the christmas gift from Hwang Mi Hee for her fans. hope that you like it
Source : http://lacoreeetmoi.blog.free.fr/index.php?post/2009/12/10/La-m%C3%A8re-No%C3%ABl-est-cor%C3%A9enne