Usually a mid eastern woman, especially a muslim girls wear a hijab or niqab. Niqab is a veil which covers the face, worn by some Muslim women as a part of sartorial hijab.
Niqab is most common in the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf such as Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Iraq, and the UAE. It is also common in some cities in India and Pakistan (mainly in Bombay /Mumbai , Calcutta /Kolkata, North India & Deccan and Karachi). Today it is also common in some parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Women who wear the niqāb are often called niqābī; this word is used both as a noun and as an adjective. However, some prefer the participial form munaqqabah (plural munaqqabāt) as "niqabī" may be used in a derogatory manner (much as with "hijābī" versus muhajjabah).
Because of the wide variety of hijab worn in the Muslim world, it can be difficult to definitively distinguish between one type of veil and another. The terms niqab and burqa are often used interchangeably. Muslim girls are advised to wear the niqāb starting at puberty
Several months ago girlsmodele has been featured about beautiful eyes behind the veil, like that post we will also give you the girls with beautiful eyes behind their hijab, almost all of mid east woman has a beautiful eyes.
If you love the beauty of mid east, you'll love this one, Gorgeus Girls Eyes behind niqab